miércoles, 25 de mayo de 2011

GEF-NGO statement on Safeguards / GEF Council, May 2011

GEF-NGO Network
Highlights of key concerns related to the proposed GEF Policies on Environmental and Social Safeguards and Gender Mainstreaming (GEF/C.40/10)
25 May 2011

The GEF NGO Network strongly supports the proposal for the broadening of GEF Agencies under Article 28 and recognizes the need to undertake appropriate evaluation of the agencies concerned.

However with regards to the proposed GEF Policies on Environmental and Social Safeguards and Gender Mainstreaming (GEF/C.40/10), we have already highlighted a broad range of concerns over the past weeks to the GEF Secretariat and at the GEF Council CSO consultation two days ago had significant inputs from a broad range of stakeholders.

We are very glad to receive the revised CRP paper a few minutes ago and we note that a number of our important requests have been incorporated.

We are also happy to hear the proposal to review and enhance grievance or accountability mechanisms in relation to the policy.

We are also happy to see explicit wording in paragraph 15 for mandatory compliance with the GEF Public involvement Policy.

We are glad to note that the proposed standards will be kept under review for the next six months and that further inputs from CSOs will be considered.

We do have at this stage a few residual concerns as follows:
• The proposed policy is not based on a review of the specific guidance and requirements as set by the various Conventions of which GEF is the financial mechanism – for example it provides no reference to impact assessments according to the Akwe:kon Guidelines developed under the Convention on Biological Diversity
• In addition, there is no reference to other relevant appropriate international instruments such as the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

Accordingly, we recommend that the GEF Council:

1. Modify the Document to include:
• Clear reference to the need for all GEF Agencies to undertake their work in conformity to the guidance from the respective conventions and related GEF strategies.
• A commitment that the specified periodic reviews will be undertaken in an appropriately consultative fashion with CSO, Indigenous Peoples and other stakeholders.

2. Endorse the recent proposal by the Secretariat to initiate drafting - with the full and effective participation of indigenous peoples - of a specific GEF Policy on Indigenous Peoples; and allocate sufficient resources to support this process.

3. Decide to develop, with consultation with civil society, a process to update the existing GEF Policy on Public Involvement including specific elements on access to Information as well as develop operational guidelines for the implementation of the policy – to enable the effective implementation of paragraph 15 regarding compliance with Policy.